
Friday, October 6, 2017

Whole Class Reward System

Let's be Franco

Inching Your Way to a Class Reward

One of my students asked, "when will we have a class reward?" 

I paused... I did not have a whole class reward system in place. I had their check sheets on their desks if they didn't follow the classroom rules. I was holding individual students responsible for their behavior but did not have anything in place for the whole class. The whole class wanted to work towards earning a reward. 

I finally said, "You are right, how do you think we should track our behavior?"

I sometimes can't believe how creative students can be! They collectively came up with "inching our way to a class reward." Honestly, I could not have been more creative! The students felt responsible for the idea and I thought it was adorable! 

Here is how it works...

Earn an inch when... all students are ready for the next subject on time, when the classroom is left clean, when everyone is on task, etc.

Lose an inch when... students are off task, students do not clean the materials when they are finished using them, teacher is prevented from teaching because of off task behavior, etc. 

I can't even take credit for the inch tracker! One of my students volunteered to figure out a way to track our inches. She took a spool of thread and threaded a piece of yarn through it so it could move back and forth. The flower was for decoration because it matched my classroom :) 

When we make it the whole yard, we will get extra recess, movie day, p.j. day, extra Chromebook time, or some other creative reward that I am sure my students will help come up with!

Just for fun, I put it next to our classroom rules :)

Check out my TpT store for more of my creative classroom ideas! 

I'd love to hear from you! What are your whole class reward systems? 

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Growth Mindset Class Meetings

Let's be Franco

One of my goals this year has been to incorporate more meaningful class meetings into my day. After 6 years, I have learned the importance of teaching students more than just the curriculum!

Growth Mindset has been a buzz word for a while now. My school counselor would come in and teach a lesson once a year on Growth Mindset. I loved hearing the lesson but I did not think one lesson was enough! My students heard the importance of a Growth Mindset but didn't put it to practice. 

This year was the year that all that would change! I started the year by introducing a Growth Mindset with the students and continued weekly reminders for 10 weeks! 

Everything you need to foster a growth mindset in your class is in these short class meeting lesson plans! The students will see the Growth Mindset in action, practice identifying a growth mindset, and change their own mindset!

Let's be Franco

Download Includes:

  • 10 Growth Mindset lessons
  • Slideshow for lessons
  • Posters and worksheets related to lessons
  • Videos relating to the lessons

Here is a sample of one of the lesson plans that can be found in the Growth Mindset Class Meetings!

Objective: Students will determine in a given situation whether the student has a fixed or growth mindset.  

Supplies: growth mindset slideshow, fixed or growth mindset task cards.

  1. Start discussion with: Does anyone know what a fixed or growth mindset is?
  2. Define Fixed and Growth Mindset.
    1. Fixed Mindset - Believing that you only have a certain amount of talent or brain power.
    2. Growth Mindset - Knowing that you can learn and have the ability to improve!
  3. Have students turn and talk to tell their partner in their own words what fixed and growth mindsets are.
  4. Group students into 2-4 students. Give each group a set of task cards.
  5. Have the students separate the task cards into 2 piles: Fixed Mindset and Growth Mindset.

Closure: Review which cards went into each pile and have the students redefine what a fixed mindset and a growth mindset is.

Let's be Franco

What do you think? How do you foster a growth mindset in your classroom? 

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