
Sunday, December 17, 2017

Problem Solving made easy with Google Forms

Let's be Franco

Have you ever felt like you are trying to be in 22 (or more) places at once when you are teaching math? I walk around the room with my thoughts interrupted every 5 seconds with, "Mrs. Franco, is this right?" This year, I started to search for a solution and I found it with Google Forms! 

Here is how it works- 
1. I create a Google Form by opening my Google drive and clicking "New" then "Google Forms"
2. I type in the title and the name of the problem solving lesson that I am working on. 
3. The first question I add is "Name" and make it a required question.
4. The next question, I will start to type in my first problem. There are a few steps here that you will repeat for every question that you create. 
  • Type in the question or upload a picture with the question on it! 
  • Make it a short answer question using the list on the side.This is what your screen would look like at this point. 
  • Make the question a "Required Question" at the bottom right of the question's box.
  • Use the 3 dots that are on top of each other next to the "Required Question" and click "Response Validation.
  • After that, I click "text"  instead of "number" and then I put my answer in the"text" space. In the "custom error text," I type "try again!" and it should look something like this... 
  • You can make a new question and repeat the steps! 
After you finish typing in all the questions you want the students to answer, you can press, "Send" and then click the "link" option. I copy the link and paste into my Google Classroom. 

The benefits of using Google Forms for problem solving lessons are:
  1. The students are independently checking their problem solving by typing in the correct answer. 
  2. The teacher is free to help those students that have tried multiple times to answer a question and needs a little assistance. 
Although, I admit it is a little more prep work, it makes problem solving lessons very easy to manage! Also, the students are excited to use a computer to check their answers! 

Check this out! I made you a freebie to show what a finished lesson looks like! 
Let's be Franco

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