
Friday, July 14, 2017

Homework Game, Homeworkopoly

The dreaded HOMEWORK! Students dread the moment that they have to write their homework down in their agendas and if you are like me, teachers dread checking the homework too! Every year, one of my goals is to make the idea of homework more fun or at the very least less painful!

I created a Homeworkopoly game board to help with this very problem. So here is how it works...

First, I put up the Homewokopoly bulletin board and gave each student a clothespin with their number on it. Then, if the students complete all their homework assignments for the week (yahoo!). Then they get to roll a dice and move their game piece. The board itself is pictured below...

Let's be Franco
Ok, so they roll, now what? Each game board square has a different direction for them to follow like...
Pass "Go" collect 2 tickets
Land on chance "Chance" - choose a chance card and follow the directions on the back. 
Chance Cards
Land on "Pop Quiz" - answer the question on the back correctly and earn 1 ticket. (Pop Quiz questions include questions about Science, Math, Social Studies, Reading, and Writing)

Pop Quiz Cards
One game to play through the whole year! Students love the extra incentive to finish their homework on time and you will love not having to change the bulletin board all year! You can find the full game board, title, homework passes, Chance and Pop Quiz cards HERE.

Let me know what you think! 
Happy Teaching

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